This class is specially designed to teach you the step-by-step process of working one-on-one with people using yoga as a transformational tool. Within the practice of hatha yoga there is a hidden language of metaphors, symbolism and ancient wisdom, all of which can be considered ‘spiritually encoded.’ By tapping into the mystical messages of the asana, and learning the skill of artful, sensitive inquiry the body becomes a spiritual tuning rod for revelation and divine guidance. As part of the class we will journey to a nearby mountain to experience the resonance of nature and its ‘divinely destined’ messages. The second weekend includes the opportunity to breakthrough any wall you may experience in your life, metaphorically, by utilizing a large ‘yoga wall’ as part of your Transformational Yoga Coaching experience. Yoga. Note the class is two weekends with one weekend break in between. Supply fee: $20. Two Weekends.
Call student services to register 480-994-9244 or click to register